Barb's Blog

Slow-Tech Family

A common lament I hear from parents I coach is that there is less and less quality time spent with their girls as they grow up. In between school, work, homework, activities and friends, it’s difficult to carve out time to hang out as a family. Complicating the issue further...

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Teens and the Holidays

Are your teenagers acting like they are too old for your holiday traditions? Are you met with sighs and eye rolls when you mention holiday lights and gingerbread houses? Traditions are important for our sense of belonging. Maybe it is a time for an update…

  • Think outside the box. What...
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Solitude & Screen Time

Here’s an idea I’ve been toying with lately: more nature, less technology. I’m not totally down on technology. I really like my phone. However, an article in The New York Times, “Stop Googling, Let’s Talk”, got me thinking about how necessary adding in...

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Helping Girls with Making Decisions

If it is not a hell yes, it’s a no.

I first heard this life changing phrase from one of my favorite people, parenting coach, Carrie Contey. I was struggling with managing all the things on my plate, both the fun stuff and the not so fun responsibilities of life. When I learned to...

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Does Your Daughter Love Herself?

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise Hay

Are you like me and you’ve asked yourself, what exactly is self-love? How do you do it? Well, if we as adults are wondering, our adolescent girls are certainly in...

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How to Handle Her Big, Ever-changing Emotions

How do you handle the roller coaster ride of rapidly changing reactions of your adolescent daughter? When she is rolling her eyes, slamming her door, stomping out of the room, speaking with sarcasm or disdain, sobbing one minute, fine the next… what do you do with all that emotion? Your go...

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Bad Moods, Complaining, Negativity: How to Help Her Shift

I’ve had so many parents over the years talk to me about their daughter who tends to be negative or sees the glass as half empty. She complains a lot or has a hard time getting out of a bad mood. This is so common. I was recently talking to a coaching parent client, and I told her about a...

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Girls Hiding Themselves: Not letting others in

I’ve had a few clients lately that are experiencing sadness, loneliness and a lack of friendships. These girls were unaware that their sadness and loneliness was caused by a lack of connection with peers. Each client had trouble showing her peers who she is… what she thinks, what she...

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Is My Daughter Sad or Depressed?

This can be a tricky one because we often use the word depressed when we are feeling sad. So, we know that sadness is a “normal,” healthy emotion and we want our girls to get comfortable feeling it. We want to encourage them to take a break from doing and allow...

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