Barb's Blog

Healthy Risk-Taking for Teens

Dan Siegel, in his book, Brainstorm, discusses the adolescent’s brains need for new, novel, exciting experiences, i.e. risk taking. Teen’s brains downplay the risk and tend to see only the reward of the risky choice.  If our teens have to push back against the...

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Girls & Alcohol

At some point in your daughter’s middle school or high school career, she may encounter alcohol. You need to know as much as you can so that you can educate her on her potential choices.

Although 10% of parents believe their teens drank alcohol in the past year, the truth is that 19%...

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How to Talk About Drugs/Alcohol

For some teens alcohol and/or drugs are just a normal part of their weekends. As parents, we don’t want to be in denial about this, and we don’t want to be over controlling in this area. Maybe you have already seen that trying to over control your teen daughter is ineffective....

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