Talking to Teens: Tools for a Happy Household

Online Workshop


Everything I say is wrong. Every conversation ends up in a power struggle. I want to be able to talk without it turning into a fight. I want my child to be kinder, more respectful when she talks to me. I want more calm, more ease in our house. Have you said similar statements? If so, this course is for you.

Communicating with your adolescents can be challenging to say the least. I have created this course to give you effective, specific strategies to have more positive interactions with your girls and a happier household. Who doesn’t want that?

What you will learn from these five modules:

  • How to communicate in a way that you both feel heard
  • What is happening in the brain during adolescence that impacts communication
  • Why teens respond in rude, dismissive ways
  • How to negotiate your teens’ power struggles
  • Barriers to listening that create poor interactions
  • Phrases that lead to open, honest discussions
  • 25 strategies for effective communication with your teens 

I promise that after you implement some or all of these strategies from this course, you will begin to see a dramatic change in your interactions with your girls. Get ready for more feel good moments.

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